The country’s capacity to fully absorb and benefit from increased investments and new technologies depends a great deal on the availability, quality and efficiency of more basic forms of infrastructure. The infrastructure sector comprises the ports, roads, rail, aviation, electricity, water supply, transportation, telecommunication sub-sectors. The Metals and Building sector within the bigger infrastructure industry is the foundation for a very safe country.
Whilst public investment infrastructure has increased the country is also actively engaged in involving private sector to meet growing demand, through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative. The policies of the Ghanaian Government seek to encourage investments in domestic infrastructure from both local and foreign private capital.
The distribution of infrastructure networks in the country generally reflects the spatial distribution of economic activity, with a greater density of transport, power and information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure in the south and southwest of the country than in the north (PWC, Africa gearing up).
The metals and building sector of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) is focused on creating an enabling environment for industries whose core business is into the production of metals and also services and products for the building industry including cement, stones, iron rods and all other building materials.