The Advertising Sector of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) is a sector that carries out proactive support services to help grow and develop the advertising industry in Ghana.
The Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) working through AGI is the Industry Body and Professional Institute for Ghana’s thriving and highly potent Advertising and Marketing Communications business. It advises, analyses, comments, educates, informs, inspires, innovates, lobbies, promotes, set standards and rewards marketing communications that work.
The aims and objectives of the Association are:
1. To promote public confidence in the Advertising profession.
2. To safeguard the common interests to those engaged in or using advertising for the promotion of common action and the institution of protective measures.
3. To encourage the study of the theory and practice of advertising and the improvement of its techniques, by the institution of study, examination and award of certificates.
4. To establish that efficient advertising in an essential factor in the marketing of goods and services and in the economic life of the country.
5. To demonstrate the efficiency of the services, that advertising and its associated interests can give to government, industry and the public.
6. To further the adoption of standards or practice in the business relations between media owners, advertising agencies and advertisers.